
Calculate Your Potential ROI With STARLIMS

Discover how much you can save annually with the STARLIMS R&D Quality Manufacturing Informatics Platform.*

From streamlining operations to elevating productivity and precision in the lab, use the tool below to calculate your potential ROI.**

Potential Annual Savings with the STARLIMS Platform*

Your Team

Input your team size, hours per week, and average cost per team member. For more accurate results, use true organizational data.

Team Size: 1
Average Annual Salary: $1
Total Annual Salary Cost: $0
Average Weekly Salary Cost: $0
Average Hourly Salary Cost: $0

Laboratory Management

Input true organizational data for more accurate results. Fields define how much manpower and time your organization uses on different laboratory processes and overall management.

Data Capture

How much does manual data capture (ie. running tests, manually collecting data, collecting samples, etc.) cost you in resources and time a week?
1% of Team
1 Hours/Week
Data Capture Number of Team Members 0
Data Capture Total Hours Weekly 0
Data Capture Total Cost Weekly $0
Data Capture Total Cost Annual $0
Data Capture Total Hours Annual 0

Approval and Quality Control

How much time does approval and quality control (QC) cost you in resources a week?
1% of Team
1 Hours/Week
QC Number of Team Members 0
QC Total Hours Weekly 0
QC Total Cost Weekly $0
QC Total Cost Annual $0
QC Total Hours Annual 0


How much time do you spend on reporting a week?
1% of Team
1 Hours/Week
Reporting Number of Team Members 0
Reporting Total Hours Weekly 0
Reporting Total Cost Weekly $0
Reporting Total Cost Annual $0
Reporting Total Hours Annual 0

Potential Operational Savings

Results define how much efficiency is gained from the STARLIMS solution (ex. automated workflows, improved processes, reduction in costs, time, errors, etc.) and IT infrastructure (cloud). Results are estimates based on your provided data and are not guaranteed by STARLIMS.
Data Capture
Quality Control
25% Optimized Operational Efficiencies

IT Costs and Infrastructure (Optional)

Input true organizational data for more accurate results. Fields define how much you spend on IT infrastructure, including hosting, server, and IT salary costs.

$10,000,000 Annual Hosting Costs
$1 Annual Server Costs
$1 Avg. Annual IT Salary
1 IT Personnel
Average Annual IT Salary 0
Average IT Salary Weekly 0
Average IT Salary Hourly $0
IT Total Hours Weekly 0
IT Infrastructure Total IT Cost to Support Weekly 0
Total IT Cost to Support Annually 0
IT Total Hours Annual 0

Potential IT Infrastructure Savings

Results define how much efficiency is gained from the STARLIMS solution (ex. automated workflows, improved processes, reduction in costs, time, errors, etc.) and IT infrastructure (cloud). Results are estimates based on your provided data and are not guaranteed by STARLIMS.
Server Costs
25% Cloud IT Infrastructure Cost Reduction

Book a Demo for More Comprehensive Results

Customers that use STARLIMS have seen results of up to…

25% Reduction in Human Error
20% Increase in Testing Capacity
30% Increase in Productivity

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